
Thank You For Another Successful Open House!

June 24th, 2011 by

We would like to thank everyone who attended our Open House last weekend!  Despite a rainy morning, the weather turned out great!  It was a fantastic day with wonderful people, cool cars, delicious food, and fun!  A huge thank you to Jason, Jordan, and John for working so hard to make sure everything was ready

Gearing Up!

June 17th, 2011 by

It’s been another busy week here at the shop!  And we’ve been gearing up for this weekend’s car events!  Swing by the shop on Friday evening for our Cruise-In and detailing party!  That’s right, a detailing party!  We’ll have some great new car care products on hand to get your bimmer clean and pretty!  What

Seeing Red…and Loving It!

June 10th, 2011 by

Happy Friday!  We’re hoping for another great evening for our Cruise-In!  We had a good turn out last week to kick off the summer!  We hope you can join us this evening for some fun!  What should we bring, you ask?  Good question!   We’ve got a grill so feel free to bring something of your

Review: The Vintage 2011

June 3rd, 2011 by

We hope everyone enjoyed a relaxing Memorial Day Weekend!  It’s been a short week here at the shop, and we’re still pumped up from our trip to Winston Salem, NC for The Vintage.  If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you may have already seen a few photos earlier this week.  We’ve had some

Don`t ignore those annoying oil service reminders when you start up your European vehicle!

It`s our goal at Reggie`s Motorworks to make having your vehicle serviced as stress free as possible for our clients. whether that is providing courtesy cars, shuttling clients to their home or other local business, or providing transparent information and communication about your vehicle`s service.

We live by our motto, "We Take Care of People Who Drive European Cars."

Schedule your appointment today!
#autorepair #autoservice #noblesville #reggiesmotorworks #bmw #audi #porsche #vw #volkswagen #landrover #rangerover #mercedes #indianapolis #mechanic #mini #eurocar #europeancar

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Store manager Tyler McGinity leading our morning huddle to get the whole team on the same page for the day.
#bmw #audi #porsche #vw #volkswagen #landrover #rangerover #mercedes #indianapolis #mechanic #mini #eurocar #europeancar

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The Aston Martin V8 Vantage ❤️
#autorepair #autoservice #noblesville #reggiesmotorworks #bmw #audi #porsche #vw #volkswagen #landrover #rangerover #mercedes #indianapolis #mechanic #mini #eurocar #europeancar #astonmartin #vantage

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